General Conditions

Deze verkoopsvoorwaarden regelen de verhoudingen tussen de klant en Broodbaar (gevestigd te Mechelsesteenweg 586C/11, 1800 Vilvoorde), ingeschreven in de Kruispuntbank der Ondernemingen (KBO) onder het nummer 1018.081.316 (BTW nummer BE.1018.081.316), hierna genoemd 'Verkoper'.

When creating an account, the buyer has explicitly accepted these general terms and conditions. For all legal relationships between seller and customer these provisions are valid unless stated otherwise in an another contract. These terms are applicable on all orders with exclusions of any general or specific terms of the buyer.


Prices mentioned on the website provided by the seller are VAT inclusive and are valid for the day of consultation on the website. Barring display errors the seller guarantees the on the website indicated prices. Prices are subject to price fluctuations of the supplier and may be changed without prior notice for any reason.


The customer is entirely responsible for correctly entering orders and address information.

Orders an be placed through the Internet (, e-mail ( or by telephone (02/7257815).

Images of products are decorative and may contain elements or items which are not included in the price. The seller is not responsible if any information is incomplete, incorrect or not up to date.


Delivery is free of charge in Vilvoorde, Diegem, Machelen, Evere, Woluwe, Brucargo and Zaventem for orders of € 15 and higher. Barring written agreement any other delivery will be charged based on the distance between the seller (above mentioned address) and the buyer (delivery address). The charges are € 1,20 per kilometer single way and include all trips necessary to delivery the order. Delivery charges are exclusive of 21% VAT.

Any mentioned delivery time is merely indicative and not binding. Delays during delivery do not lead to cancellation of the order or the payment of damages in the favor of the buyer, except in case of deliberate delay.

The seller is not liable for any delay during the execution or non-execution of an order due to events beyong his/her control, including but not limited to: produciton interruptions, issues during deliveries, shortage of raw meterials, laborers, energery, transport, strikes, lock-outs or other labor disputes which after the seller or it's supplier even when when these events could be foreseen.

The seller has the right to perform partial deliveries. In case of non-delivery of goods any amounts paid by the buyer will be refunded without interest or other compensation.


Orders are payable in cash during takeaway or delivery. Online payments handled through a prepaid system. The seller has the right to charge transaction costs for online payments. The seller will not receive or store information regarding payments methods like card number, expiration date or verification codes of the buyer.

Invoices will only be sent to those liable to VAT, public institutions or professions. Invoices can only be paid in cash or through wire transfer to professions. Invoices can only be paid in cash or through wire transfer to V

In case of non-payment by the due date the buyer willl legally owe a default interest of 1% per month on the outstanding amount, calculated starting from the invoice date. In addition, the unpaid amount is increased by a fixed compensation of 10% of the outstanding amount with a minimum of € 50 per unpaid invoice.

In the event of non-payments the seller is entitled to suspend any further delivery and renders all open invoices collectable.


Complaints can only be submitted in writing (e-mail) or by telephone by the day of takeaway or delivery at the latest. No complaint regarding conformity or state of the goods can be accepted by the seller on the day after delivery or takeaway. Once this period has expired every delivery will be considered as complying with the order.

Complaints concerning invoices must be to reach the seller in writing (e-mail or registered mail) within 5 days after receipt of invoice.

Cancellations and changes

It is not possible to cancel or modify an order on the day of delivery unless this was agreed upon by the seller and buyer in writing (e-mail) or by telephone.

The buyer has the right to renounce the order without the payments of fines and without giving a reason within 5 working days starting on the delivery date. Whenever a buyer wishs to return the goods, he/she must return to goods to the seller at his/her own risk and at expense. The buyer can not rely on the renunciation of goods that are specifically prepared for him or that can decay quickly.


The seller is only liable for damage caused by intent or gross negligence. The seller can not be held liable for any general or special indirect damage of any kind suffered by the buyer.

The buyer recognizes the potential limitations and risks of using the Internet (website / email) and accepts that the seller this can not be held liable for damages resulting from the use of the website or e-mail.

Applicable Law

All contracts made with seller are subject to Belgian law. Any disputes shall only be handled by the courts of Mechelen.

Closing statement

In case any provision is declared invalid or not legal this will not affect the validity, legality or applicability of any other provision.

A non strict application of these provisions in these terms can not be considered as silently abstaining of the rights attributed to the seller by these terms and does not prevent the seller from demanding strict application of these provisions.

The seller has the right to changed these terms and conditions without prior notice at any time. Each order after a change implies the acceptance of the new terms and conditions.

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